Top five reasons to choose the Philippines


2 Minute read

The global offshore market continues to grow year-on-year as companies look to reduce costs for their customers in an increasingly competitive market while maintaining excellent customer service.

Choosing a country like the Philippines is a no brainer as staff hired from there generally have impeccable spoken English and are very service and process orientated.


English is the official language of business

The Philippines is one of the largest English speaking countries in the world, and English is the official language of business. Staff in the Philippines are also known for their softly accented English, making them very easy to understand and converse with.


Large workforce

The Filipino government has embedded a series of initiatives to promote the Philippines as an outsourcing destination. Due to the government’s Industry Public Private Partnership Initiative, universities in the Philippines have developed courses and qualifications focused on outsourcing. Close to half a million graduates enter the workforce each year.


Readily available workforce

Due to the amount of college graduates that enter the workforce each year, there’s always a constant stream of enthusiastic and fresh talent wanting to enter the outsourced market. The Philippines also has a good reputation for talent retention.


Cost savings

Due to the high level of tertiary education, candidates from the Philippines are well educated and salaries are a fraction of  a similarly qualified person in most Western countries. This means you can hire educated and experienced staff for a lot less than what you could locally.


Government policy

The Philippines is very open to outsourcing providers and the government provides investment and tax incentives to providers. Outsourcing is strongly supported by the government and infrastructure has been improved to encourage outsourcing, the deregulation of telecommunications has had a very positive effect on outsourcing for that industry.

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