English Speaking
As the primary language for business and education in the Philippines, our candidates are completely fluent in English. This means there is next to no language barrier between you and your employees.
of our candidates are completely fluent in English.
Time Zone
The Philippines is situated 8 hours ahead of UTC, putting it in a favorable time difference with countries like AU, NZ and UK.
4 - 10 hours
time difference
Highly Educated
The Philippines supports an internationally recognised tertiary education system, comparable to most western nations.
of Deployed candidates are degree qualified.
Collaborative Culture
Known to be extremely hard working, honest, and polite, Filipino culture has a strong overlap with Western nations, making it easier to develop strong and lasting relationships.
3-5 years
average tenure of people recruited by Deployed.
A Significant Talent Pool
Every year, the Philippines produces 450,000 English-speaking graduates ready to enter the workforce. With a booming population of young people, there are millions of qualified candidates looking for work.
100,000 candidates (approximately) in our database and growing.
Cost Effective Hiring
Hiring in the Philippines is more cost-effective than hiring the same level of experience in other markets, due to the lower living costs and significantly lower labour costs than western markets.
of the living costs in Australasia equates to the cost of living in the Philippines (approximately).