10 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Admin Staff
3 Minute read
Admin roles have a huge role to play in modern businesses. But how do you keep admin staff energised? We share our top 10 tips for getting the most out of admin outsourcing.
1. Give great training
Start as you mean to go on. Putting the time in to clearly outline procedures, processes and behaviours gives new employees peace of mind from day one. Be sure to train about company culture as well as systems.
2. Set clear goals
Admin can be a bit of a minefield – that’s why it’s important to set defined goals for your employees. If you’re going to hold your staff accountable, you need to let them know what you’re judging them on. Factor in performance reviews and set goals that are measurable and applicable.
3. Make productivity central to culture
Asking people to work harder isn’t how you get results. If you want long-term effects, you need to weave your expectations of work ethic into the fabric of your company culture. Find a mission statement that inspires and that your staff can feel proud to work towards.
4. Reward efficiency
The best admin staff are the ones who have initiative and seek solutions to boost efficiency. Encourage and compensate this sort of behaviour – workers will see a correlation between innovation and reward.
5. Keep on top of morale
Admin has the tendency to be fairly monotonous. That’s why it is imperative to be aware of morale levels. A strategically scheduled ‘non-work’ activity like a team breakfast or lunch can provide a mental boost, as can offering your team time to recharge the batteries.
6. Define parameters
You have a reasonable expectation that your staff remain focused on their job in the office. If rules are reasonable and well-established, staff are aware of expectations. Removing any grey areas helps your admin employees focus on the task at hand, and help form a culture of fairness.
7. Provide tech support
You can’t expect someone to excel in their role without the right support in place. Admin tasks can be made a lot easier by technology solutions, so do your research to find the best options for your business.
8. Supply development opportunities
Making outside courses, group-training sessions and education opportunities available enhances employees’ ability to do their jobs effectively. Furthermore, it shows you are invested in developing talent and support those with a desire and drive to learn.
9. Survey your staff
Surveys aren’t just for interviews on your way in and out. To get the most out of your staff, take the time to get to know them and how they like to work. With admin roles, this is essential as you may learn that 90% of your staff think there is a certain system stopping them doing their job to the best of their abilities. With communication, comes progressive change.
10. Champion admin roles
Admin tasks often get a bad rap. The reality is that they are often the backbone of how a business continues to function successfully on a day-to-day basis. Good management will not undermine admin tasks – quite the opposite.
The way to make staff feel truly supported, is to give them purpose. Promoting admin as a vital cog in the machine helps your workers feel appreciated.
Searching for the right admin roles for your organisation? Outsource admin tasks with Deployed.