Hiring Mistakes You Cannot Afford to Make


3 Minute read

The cost of hiring the wrong employee goes beyond the monetary losses to a business. The wrong employee can cause disruption, be detrimental to the moral and productivity of other staff and set the company back from their annual targets. Getting it right the first time is crucial to avoid long and short term implications. Whether they lack skill for the role, are unwilling to learn or negative towards their colleagues, a poor hiring choice is costly and a drain on resources.

Deployed work with you during the hiring process and take every viable step to ensure your potential employee is the perfect fit for your business so you won’t be facing these common problems:

Recruitment costs

Advertising for the role can be costly and time consuming. Once you cover the costs of placing the advertisement and agency fees, you are must sift through every applicant to gauge suitability for the role. A follow up telephone call or email and organising and holding interviews is draining on your company time. Your company may also be footing travel and relocation costs. If your new hire turns out to be wrong for the role, the process and costs must be repeated. Deployed offer a six-month replacement guarantee to avoid the unnecessary hassles and monetary costs should you feel your new recruit is not a good fit for your business.

Salary and perks

For the duration of employment, you will be paying out a salary plus any benefits your company offers such as health care and gym memberships. If the person has been at the company for a while, you may have to offer severance packages. You may also have to pay a temporary worker or contractor to fill the role while you look for a more suitable candidate.

Mentoring and training

An underperforming employee will require more time and finances invested in training programmes and mentoring. Upskilling employees is recommended for the success of any business but if an employee is not the right fit for the job, it is unlikely that they will be motivated or able to pick up the skill basics that should have been a prerequisite for the role.

Productivity of other staff

Investing time and finances on one employee will not go unnoticed and will cause disruption within the team. Employees may be frustrated with having to pick up the work load of underperformers and tensions will arise.

Shortcuts during the hiring process, a poor skill match and performance issues are all factors in a failed hire. Deployed offers expert advice and support from the recruitment process and throughout the whole experience. We assist you in recruiting the right people with the right skill to save you the headache of making the wrong hire.


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