Should You Be Outsourcing Your Content Writing?


3 Minute read

Readership dropping? Irregular content? No blog strategy? It’s a familiar story for many companies world over.

With lack of resources and capacity overflow, content writing can often be put on the backburner in business strategy. But overlooking the power of the written word can be detrimental to your brand, with poorly written or inconsistent content resulting in lack of engagement and consumer trust. 

Below, we outline the 5 tell-tale signs that indicate you need to outsource your content writing:

1. You don’t have skilled writers in house

If you are tasking writing to employees who are not content writing professionals, you are putting your business at risk. Lack of understanding around blogging and writing engaging content that adheres to your company tone of voice will result in poorly executed work that could damage your brand.

2. You are posting irregularly and sporadically

Due to your focus being elsewhere in the business, researching and writing for your website is probably not your priority. Outsourcing content writing allows your business to engage with customers, old and new, as well as factoring in SEO that gets your content seen at the right time by the right people.

3. You have no content views

There is no point in writing content if nobody sees it. If you don’t consider content writing as part of your business strategy, it’s likely the stuff you do write will not be in-depth enough to engage your desired audience. Content needs to be considered, SEO compliant and on brand.

4. You have no content!

To rely on a 21st century cliche, content really is king. As a business, you need to consider the opportunities you’re missing out on due to this. It may feel like something you are too busy for, or uninterested in but no content means no engagement. No engagement means no audience. No audience means no sales!

5. Your writing is taking your focus off your key goals

If you feel you are trying to squeeze writing in, then you are likely to see content writing as admin. By outsourcing this vital task, you and your staff will get back time allowing you to focus on your core business functions.

At Deployed, we find the very best in content specialists in the Philippines and integrate them into your business. These are usually professional copywriters who can make your online content marketable, and your words pop and dazzle.

Captivating content translates to success, as with more readership comes more customers. Discover how we can help you bring on board the right people to transform your business today.

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