Which Industries Benefit Best From Outsourcing Services?


3 Minute read

The value of outsourcing is no longer a well-kept secret. Far from it.

A range of high-value industries are now understanding the big benefits behind offshoring. From multinational companies through to medium sized businesses, the trend for outsourcing is palpable, and with good reason.

Giving many companies a competitive edge, outsourcing is fast-becoming a staple for those looking to become leaders in their industries by using a cost effective way to achieve sustainable growth.

We take a look at some of the industries who could be hugely benefiting from outsourcing their services.

1. E-commerce 

A powerhouse industry in this modern day, more than 80% of the online population have used the internet to purchase goods and services. Needless to say, standing out in this competitive market is imperative.

Fundamental to boosting your online experience above the rest is quality customer service. Keeping this operation in-house and in your current market can be unnecessarily expensive and limit growth due to restricted resources.

With Deployed, businesses are given access to an experienced and dedicated pool of talent allowing customer service functions of businesses to effectively grow. 

2. Financial services

Outsourcing your accounting and finance management allows for extra care in an integral aspect of any business. By ensuring diligence is paid here, you can rest easy knowing you have a solid foundation, allowing you to focus on individual KPIs of other departments. 

Through delegating to an expert third party provider, the tedious tasks involved in finance are removed and a new perspective and work ethic can be applied. This means fewer errors, improved cash flow, and ultimately, expert hands behind the financial aspects of your organisation.

3. Hospitality 

Perhaps surprisingly, the latest industry to receive a great deal of help from outsourcing is the food industry. Largely due to the fast-paced environment, the right technology can mean make or break for some companies.

Bookkeeping with Deployed means hiring a team dedicated to accuracy. Cash flow, billing, and payroll are just a few of the ways we can help take the admin weight off your shoulders. 

Supported by the right software and management systems, the Deployed offices can house your bookkeeping team in a working environment where they can thrive, and more importantly, feel part of your business.

4. Healthcare

One of the more challenging industries to manage with regards to profit generation is the healthcare industry.

When properly managed, outsourcing in this industry can help improve patient care and maximise staff efficiency. By offloading administrative tasks, businesses can spend more time where it counts: on making patients better. This, in turn, results in increased staff productivity, and reduced training costs.

5. Real estate 

A real estate virtual assistant has become a known and valued asset across the real estate industry. With a varied skill set, the virtual assistant role can oversee advertising, handling emails, proofreading, appointment setting, and even possible graphic design work.

Outsourcing this role also allows a real estate business the opportunity for out-of-office hours, giving companies a competitive edge not to be overlooked.


At Deployed, we understand the importance of ensuring you have the right support in place and that starts with bringing the right people on board.

No matter your industry, we can locate the best talent from across the Philippines to help your business move forward. 

If you would like to discuss how Deployed can help your organisation, get in touch today.

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