Why Outsource SEO?


3 Minute read

Why Outsource SEO?

Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, is a complex and ongoing practice which is becoming more important for every business. SEO is the practice of building your site’s reputation on Google and other search engines to get more organic views. More views results in more leads and more conversions. SEO involves dealing with keywords, data, and algorithms; refining metadata and site structure, and building high-quality links to your site. If any of those terms sound foreign to you, there is the first reason to outsource SEO.

3 Reasons to Outsource SEO:

It’s time-consuming

Getting your site fully set up for SEO involves a lot of work. Beyond just editing pages to boost keywords and remove no-followed links, SEO takes a significant amount of research to understand the best ways to reach your customers. Finding the best keywords for each page, testing small changes in metadata, and analysing the results of any optimisation takes time. That’s before the exercise of building inbound links by reaching out to other reliable websites and directories.

In addition, for most people SEO as a task is pretty dull. It lends itself to people who are patient, focused, and very fond of numbers. Unless you have someone like that on your staff – who is not already working to capacity – lumping it on top of your marketing team’s current workload is unlikely to get great results.

It’s a specialist form of marketing

SEO can’t be mastered overnight, even by the brightest whiz-kid. In general, learning to do SEO well requires getting hands-on practice. That’s not something you want to be carrying out on your company website.
Although there are free SEO guides on the internet, to become really proficient usually requires doing a training course – which can get expensive.
And because search algorithms keep changing, anyone doing SEO has to keep up-to-date to make sure that your site doesn’t get penalised for doing something which was previously permitted.

The good news it that SEO is a global specialisation, which doesn’t require much cultural knowledge. Data can be analysed from any geographic location, and put into place to maximise results from that location.
SEO skills also dovetail well with management of Google AdWords and other forms of internet advertising. So while SEO is specialist, someone who is accomplished at SEO can also help in other areas.

It’s not a one-off proposition

You can’t do just one big SEO project and call it done. As your site updates, algorithms update, and search trends update, your site’s SEO needs to be constantly refined. So if your company turns to a local agency or freelancer, they need to be hired on an ongoing basis – with all the costs associated.
SEO also doesn’t achieve instant results. Building recognition and reputation is a slow burn which can take months. You could be paying a local SEO manager a lot of money before you see any return.
When you outsource SEO with Deployed you get someone with SEO skills as part of your company, at a much lower cost than hiring locally, and more efficiently than training your current staff to do it. And by hiring salaried staff – either part-time or full-time – you reduce the incentive to engage in SEO ‘busywork’ to rack up more hours.
Deployed will work with you to set performance goals for your remote employee so that even with the slow burn of SEO, you can still ensure they are working efficiently.

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